Wednesday 15 April 2015

Strangeness in the World 10 unsolved

Where humans come from? If the view of the Gospel and Scripture, it is very clear to say that God is the creator of man (Genesis chapter 1). But what about the actual process of creation?
Charles Darwin never offered the theory that man evolved from apes. If so, then the "supposed" man will continue to evolve into better beings. But in fact, has more than 2000 years, no change in humans. Does that mean evolution stopped?
Another theory says that human beings originated from Space space. If so, then the question becomes: where things come from?

Strangeness in the World 10 unsolved
The diver (divers) that would never see the form of the path under the North Sea island of Bimini in the Bahamas. Many people argue that path is made by nature. However, the arrangement of the stones it raises further questions as too "neat". Some experts suspect that the road is part of the City of Atlantis (as written by Plato several centuries ago). But to this day there has been no additional evidence regarding the existence of "lost city" of it. And the Bimini Road is still the question: what is the way it is made of natural or man? Who is the author?

Strangeness in the World 10 unsolved
Also called "Ghost Light Ball". Was first seen in 1880 in the western town of Marfa, Texas. The light was described by basketball, drifting with the human shoulder height. Usually white, yellow, orange, red, and sometimes blue or green. Ordinary balls flying around a particular area, then disappears by itself. To this day, the light was still often appear. No explanation, what exactly is the lights.

Strangeness in the World 10 unsolved

Known as the Chairman of the most influential American Labor in 1950 - 1960, Jimmy Hoffa is a figure that has changed the face of American labor. Dated July 30, 1975, Hoffa disappeared in Detroit parking lot and never found again. One theory is believed Hoffa was killed by Jack Anthony Giacalone, a gang leader New Jersey. Hoffa mentioned corpses buried under the foundation of the stadium the Giants, Detroit. When a foundation excavation in the stadium, the bodies Hoffa was not found.

Strangeness in the World 10 unsolved

Mothman is one of the well-known urban legend in the area of ​​Virginia. Described Mothman is a creature with wings and a tall man, red-eyed, sometimes appear without head and red eyes in the chest. First discovered in the cemetery in Virginia in 1926. To this day, the police are still receiving reports of the emergence of the Mothman. Who is she? Nobody knows. In general, there has never been anyone who attacked reports Mothman ..

Strangeness in the World 10 unsolved

 Famous as a mysterious killer in 1888, the identity of Jack the Ripper to this day has never revealed. The victim was a prostitute who was killed by mutilation that is reliable and perfect, make the police think Jack is a surgeon. Despite a lot of books, movies, and theories published, the identity of Jack the Ripper remains mysterious and not a single shred of evidence that could explain his identity.

Strangeness in the World 10 unsolved

If you've ever watched a recording of President John F. Kennedy's assassination in Dallas in 1963, noticed in the right corner of the tape. There was a veiled woman babushka (shawl made in Russia) who seem to record the incident. The woman is believed to be the person who had a significant role in the murder of John F. Kennedy because he is in a position very close to the victim when the incident occurred. In the tape, seen the woman holding the camera, and record events.
Surprisingly, she was never found. The FBI has asked her to hand over the tape to help the FBI find the killer American President. But the woman never appeared. Who is she? How can he stand so close to the car the President? No one knows to this day.


Strangeness in the World 10 unsolved
One of the most intelligent killer who was never caught up to this day is the Zodiac Killer. In 1960, the Zodiac Killer commit attempted murder of seven people in Northern California. Five victims died, and two seriously injured. Initially, police trouble finding killer identity. A month after the first murder, the killer sent a letter to the police and claimed he was named the Zodiac Killer, and challenged the police to arrest him.
After the murder 7th, Zodiac Killer suddenly disappeared. Has he been killed? And who he really is? No one could explain.

Strangeness in the World 10 unsolved

If the lake Loch Ness creature named Nessy has been proven is false, then another case with the Ogopogo. Creature similar to Nessy (long-necked, big man, and the head like a lizard) is a mysterious creature that appears in the Okanagan River, Canada. Many witnesses who managed to record images of these creatures. But nobody caught him. Creature also known as Naitaka is now the mascot Park Kelowna, Canada. Do Ogopogo really exist? Is it true that he is still alive the ancient reptiles? There is no concrete evidence that could explain the existence until today.

Strangeness in the World 10 unsolved

Is a mysterious explosion incident that occurred in Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia, October 4, 1967. An object hit the Shag Harbour at 11:20 at night, causing a huge explosion. There were no casualties. The witness saw it as a "flying saucer". Not long after, the place was immediately closed. Canadian military coming soon. In an instant, the place was cleaned and puing2 immediately transported. The incident was impressed very covered up. What exactly is happening? Is it true that a flying saucer crashed? Government of Canada has never issued any statement regarding this matter. And to this day, the mystery is never disclosed


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