Wednesday 15 April 2015

 Photography as we know it today is the result of the discovery. The first in the field of natural science to produce a camera, which is second in the field of chemicals produce the film. Originally the two inventions that have nothing to do with each other and before each - each up to perfection as we know it today and give birth to a new discovery that is photography, has long taken either by the camera or by the film.

 a camera obscura

 For many - the past century people have to know that if the light is straight out of a small hole into a dark room it on the wall in front of him looked a shadow of what was available before the hole. Only in the reverse situation, which is on the bottom and vice versa. The room like the "Camera Obscura" which means nothing other than padadisebut darkroom. Of words that were born words obcura camera camera, the name given to the photographer tool.
 This is the first - initially called the Camera Obscura (camera = room, Obscura = dark), which is a dark room with a small hole in one wall.
 Who first - first make the camera obscura a tool to "capture" the shadow can not be dipastika. Many scientists of his time writing about the tool including Ibn al Haitam, Roger Bacon, Copernicus, Kepler, Leonardo da Vinci, Newton and Descartes. Giovanni Battista Della Porta was the first to complete the tool camera obscura with a simple lens.

 Pinhole Camera

 In its simplest form, a tool for photographing the form of a closed box with a hole in one wall. In the original language of this camera is called "Pinhole Camera" which means pinhole. In a pinhole camera lens, but there is a hole at the tip of the needle. A small hole that is passed light for illumination.
 Figure shows a pinhole camera with a hole at the tip of the needle to pass light irradiation. Who stuck to the bottom point to close the hole.

 Sensitive Materials

 Do you know what materials are used in the shooting. Any definite camera used, simple or sophisticated, we can not take pictures. When silver nitrate is mixed with lime and then exposed to light will change, first - first deep red and blue violet. With the mixture of the light shining on the photograph if there is no material that is sensitive to light. If it's such sensitive material contained in the film has now been irradiated and then washed, sensitive materials that produce negative. Of negative positive image printed named photograph. Both the negative and the photographs, black-and-white image is formed by millions of grains of metallic silver.
 The chemicals that are sensitive to light already known before the 12th century chemist Zuber Arabs have found silver nitrate which is sensitive to light, then Carl Wilhelm Scheele discovered that silver nitrate faster change when in contact with violet rays. So at that time people have known that sunlight can be described through a prism. Sceele also can assign the change, sehigga not gone back, for it was he using ammonia.

 History of Photography of the Year 1000- now ......

 Year 1000
 Al Hazen, a Saudi national student wrote that the image (image) can be formed from light passing through a small hole.

 About 400 years later
 Leonardo da Vinci, also wrote about the same phenomenon. If writing da Vinci was published, he probably regarded as the inventor of the working principle of the camera.

 Year 1558
 Delta Battista Porta, regarded as the inventor of the working principle of the camera through a book about the publication of the Camera Obscura. The possibility of his work is based on the findings of da Vinci.

 Early 17th century
 Scientists Italy, Angelo Sala found that when silver nitrate powder exposed to light, the color will turn black. Even then, with the chemical component, he has managed to record the images that did not last long. Problems that can not be overcome is to stop the chemical process, after the images recorded in order permanent.

 Year 1727
 Johann Heinrich Schuize, professor of pharmacy at the University in Germany, also found the same thing on a trial that is not related to photography. He ensures that the components of silver nitrate to black because light and not heat.

 Approximately 1800
 Thomas Wedgwood, an Englishman, an experiment to record a positive image of the image through the lens of the camera obscura (now better known as sebuatan 'Camera') but the results are very disappointing. Finally he concentrates as well Schuize, to create negative images (which became known as the "photogram '), on the skin or the white paper that has been spiked with silver components and use sunlight as irradiation.

 Year 1824
 After going through various process improvement by various people with various types of work from various countries. Finally a man named Joseph Nieephore French nationals Niepee, a lithograpf successfully made the first permanent image that can be called "PHOTO" (without the use of a camera), through a process called: Heliogravure (which works similar to the process of working principles lithograf) by using a type of asphalt (which he called bitumen of Judea) as a basic chemical material. Then tried to use the camera (There are sources that say that Niepee as the first to use the lens on the camera obscura. At that time the camera obscura usually only a small perforated), also other chemicals, but the results are still unsatisfactory.

 August 1827
 After each wrote some time earlier, Niepee met Louis Daguerre, the man from Perancil with diverse skills (which is also known as a painter). They plan to work together to produce images through the use of cameras.

 1829
 Niepee formally cooperate with Daguerre, however, after some time, Niepee died (1833).

 January 7, 1839
 With the help of a scientist to explain scientifically, Daguerre announced the results of his research has been to the French Academy of Sciences. His work in the form of permanent photographs called "DAGUERRETYPE", which can not be reproduced / reprint / repro. When it Daguerre has had commercial studio photos, and Daguerretype oldest created in 1837 are still there.

 June 1840
 Talbot introduced the calotype, the improvement from the previous system, also produce negative above kerta.

 October 1847
 Abel Niepee de st.Victor, nephew Niepee, introduced the use of glass as a negative base replaces paper.

 January 1850
 An expert Chemical UK, Robert Bingham, introduced the use of Collodion as photographic emulsion, who was quite popular with the title "WET-PLATE Photography". After numerous developments and improvements, the use of a roll of film began to be known.

 June 1888
 George Eastman, an American, creating the world of photography revolution research results since 1877. He is selling a new product with a brand KODAK form of a small camera and light box, which already contains a roll of film (with material kimi silver bromide) for 100 exposures. When the whole film is used, the camera (containing the film) is sent to the company Eastman for processing. After that, the camera is sent back and already contain a new roll of film. In contrast to the period of great camera and less practical, the new product from the Eastman allow anyone can shoot freely.

 To date
 Development of photography continues to peninggkatan and evolved into films without use your latest digital film roll, to enter the digital age stage coupled with other supporting technologies.


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