Wednesday, 15 April 2015

If You Know ?? Actually Zodiac Totaling 13!

The reader who likes to follow horoscopes, please double-checked what your zodiac. Because the modern astronomers have requested that the revised order of the zodiac, because it has expired. Zodiac has been derived from the calculation of the time of the Babylonian constellation, which is responsible for a person's birth. But after thousands of years past, it turns out the moon's gravitational power has caused the earth's axis shifted within one month in alignment star.
If You Know ?? Actually Zodiac Totaling 13!

Therefore, astronomers request that the zodiac calendar pushed back one month, in addition, they also agreed to add one more to the constellations of the zodiac order, namely star 13th named Ophiucus.

These changes will certainly not easy to be accepted by the audience who believe and follow horoscopes, but astronomers insist that that's the only way. Undermine the earth's axis shift Babylonian constellations used for this. Originally calculation star constellation is determined by where the sun is aligned with the time of one's birth. Since then, however, astrologers have adopted a mathematical system to identify with the sky, so that the position of the constellations currently considered irrelevant.

Astronomers study the space and stars from a scientific standpoint, while astrologers write horoscopes and claim that celestial bodies can reveal a person's traits and personality. Zodiac has its roots miitologi and legends associated with the 12 Olympian gods turned into an animal to escape from severe hurricanes that caused havoc on Earth.

Then later, if this is true zodiac calendar changes occur, they are familiar with the character of the dominant and creative Leo will turn into the moody and sensitive Cancer. While the usual Scorpio Libra excited would be a wise and always balanced. Even if you are the Taurus, then the character will turn into a stubborn Aries.

"Everyone who has read the recent predictions wrong. When astrologers claimed the sun was in the constellation of Pisces, it was not really be in Pisces, "said an astronomer Minneapolis Community and Technical College, Parke Kunkle.

The Star 13th, Ophiucus, denoted as a muscular individual who holds a snake leads to the sky. Those born under the Ophiuchus is said to have lofty ideals, will live a long life and inventive (inventive). Owner zodiac Ophiuchus is a former people is a Scorpio or Sagittarius.
If You Know ?? Actually Zodiac Totaling 13!

If You Know ?? Actually Zodiac Totaling 13!
-Aquarius: February 17-March 11
-Pisces: March 12-April 18
-Aries: April 19-May 13
-Taurus: May 14-June 21
-Gemini: June 22-July 20
-Cancer: July 21-August 10
-Leo: August 11-September 16
-Virgo: September 17-October 30
-Libra: October 31-November 23
-Scorpio: 24 November-29 November
-Ophiuchus: November 30-December 17
-Sagitarius: December 18-January 20
-Capricorn: January 21-February 16


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