Wednesday 15 April 2015

4 Facts about Solar Eclipse
Solar eclipse occurs when the moon moves directly between the sun and the earth and only affect a number of places on earth.
Anything you need to know about solar eclipse? BBC Indonesia talking with Aviva Yamani, from South astronomiLangit media about the first three facts.
1. How privileged solar eclipse?
Aviva said that the solar eclipse is actually not a rare event because the same as the lunar eclipse. This phenomenon occurs every year.
"But, who makes a special solar eclipse is due to drift in a narrow area, in contrast with the lunar eclipse wider area coverage. So, more people have a chance to see it compared to the total solar eclipse. Not every time a country can watch the solar eclipse in one year, "he said.
"What's interesting also is a sensation when we see the sun covered the moon. Usually, there is a morning or afternoon so we could feel the change of light suddenly dark. Then, there is a decrease in temperature. Animals night began to speak."
2. Everywhere one can see the eclipse on Friday?
Unfortunately, this time not in Indonesia. The total solar eclipse on March 20, 2015 will only be visible in the North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, England, Faroe Islands, and northern Norway.
3. When Indonesian citizens could see a total solar eclipse?
According to eclipse [dot] info, you could have witnessed the solar eclipse on March 9, 2016 in a number of areas, such as Bengkulu, South Sumatra, Bangka Belitung, Central Kalimantan, Central Sulawesi, and ended up in North Maluku.
It would be a rare event since the previous total solar eclipse occurred in 1995 or more than 20 years ago.
If the moment of 2016 escape, you have to wait until 2023!
4. Avoid selfie during an eclipse
Experts say, taking photo with smart phone eclipse will cause the risk of blindness. Experts from the collage of an optometrist, the English say, things can happen if the danger of looking directly into the sun when selfie


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