Wednesday 15 April 2015

Live sound system is a live performance sound system. This means that we take sound, edit and produce the sound output at the same time. Therefore the equipment in a live sound system more than when recording. Due to the recording system we can do take sound and editing separately.

                Basically, a sound system consists of input devices, processing and output. Category is the input audio tools that can transform a sound source into an audio signal. Examples of the most frequently encountered is the microphone. Microphone is an input transducer that converts sound waves into an audio signal. Microphone was subdivided into several types. Two types are widely used is dynamic microphones and condenser microphones. Microphone also has a variety of patterns that include omnidirectional, directional, cardioid, hyper-cardioid, etc. Processing category includes all equipment that can change the character of an audio signal. Starting from a mixer, equalizer, compressor, gate, multi-effects, until the power amplifier is an example of signal processing equipment. Output category is the category of equipment that converts the audio signal that is processed into sound waves that can be enjoyed. Of course, the loudspeaker was the one in question. If the microphone is called the input transducer, loudspeaker called a transducer output. Although each loudspeaker looks the same, but many aspects that distinguish between each other such as sensitivity, coverage (Directivity Index (DI) and Directivity Factor (Q)), the output capabilities, and so on. It is very important that we must understand in this system is the direction of the flow signal or a signal flow. Here is an example of the basic signal flow of a system:
Definition Sound System Live

Signal Flow.jpg

1. Basic Device in Sound System

                There are several devices that are often used in live sound system. Here is the description one by one:

- Microphone
Definition Sound System Live
 Definition Sound System Live
SHURE_SM58.png10716akg.pngMerupakan a transducer input device whose function is to convert sound waves into electrical current sound signal. Mic possessed some kind of depends on the frequency response and polar pattern-nya.Misalnya, dynamic microphone has a frequency response that is low, approximately 30Hz - 16 KHz and more robust against high SPL pressure than the condenser mic. Usually used to take vocal, miking tom-toms, kick drum and other low-frequency acoustic devices. Condenser microphones have a wider frequency response. So he was able to reach higher frequencies. Around 20Hz - 20KHz. But it is not suitable for use on the instru- ment is too high SPL. Typically used for vocals, instruments, etc.

- Tape / CD / Mp3 Player
Appliances used for music playback through the media cassette or CD Audio. Example usage example for music playback on the sidelines. Or used for playback of music minus one for the singer who uses music minus one.

- Mixing Console / Mixer
Definition Sound System Live
Yamaha DM2000.pngDalam world of professional audio, a mixing console, whether it is analog or digital, or also called the soundboard / mixing desk (soundboard) is an electronic device that functions blends (more popular with the term "mixing"), setting the path (routing ) and changing the level, as well as dynamic harmonization of the audio signal. Signal - a signal that has been revamped and is set then amplified by a final amplifier or power amplifier. Audio mixers are widely used in a variety of purposes, including recording studios, public call system (public address), sound reinforcement systems, broadcasting both radio and television, and also post-production filming. An example of a simple application, in a musical for example, it is not efficient if we use each amplifier to amplify any part vocal sound good singers and musical instruments played by the band's entourage. Here Audio mixer will be an important part as a collection point of each microphone attached, set the amount of noise levels that balance sound levels both vocal and music will be achieved before amplified by the amplifier. Mixer is one of the most popular after the microphone. We know him as a mixer, probably most of us call it that because its function is to mix all incoming sound, then balance it, making two (LR if stereo, and one that mono), then send it to the new crossover to the power amplifier and finally to the speaker . Mixing console accepts a variety of sound sources. Can the microphone, musical instruments, CD player, tape deck, or DAT. From here can easily be done setting the input and output levels ranging from very soft to hard. If we suppose that an audio system likened to a human body, snake cable can we assume as the nervous system, and a mixing console as the heart. If there is a problem with it, means that the system is in big trouble. One of the most important requirements in the mixing console that is good is good to have input gain, EQ settings are also good. And thus it will be able to do a more perfect setting and optimized for each microphone input, or whatever is the source of the sound. There are many typical settings contained in a mixing console.

General Menu In Mixer :

- Gain
Also called input or trim level, commonly found on the top of that each channel mixing console. Its function is to determine how sensitive we want the input received by the console. Is the mic signal in the form or in the form of the signal line (keyboards, tape decks, etc.). This button will be helpful to set the signal that will go to the console. If the signal is weak, it may be the addition, if too much force can be reduced. Example: for a singer whose voice is weak or does not have good power, required the addition of more gain. As for the kick drum beating, may be done with a little addition. This was done in order to keep any input into the mixer remains optimal. Input gain is too large will cause distortion, while if it is too weak will require the addition in excess will cause noise. So the input gain stage is the most important and critical, because this is where all the sound quality starts. So get yourself to keep each input remains clean and clear as possible. Because of noise and distortion caused in these points will continue to flow throughout the system and make entirely so disturbed. When was the input gain is very large or even too big sehigga after deducting also still too strong, then there is a switch to the PAD on the console whose function is to lower the input gain signal ranging -20 to -30 db.

- EQ on channel
On each channel in the mixing console is always there Equalizer Section. Function is as a regulator of tone for me-modification incoming sound on the channel. Generally sound engineer sound through EQ changes aimed twofold: 1) to change the instrument sound into a sound that is preferred. 2) to overcome the frequency of the input is problematic, for example, feedback, hum, overtune, etc. Very basic settings of the EQ is in the form of Low and Hi, then addition and subtraction (boost / cut). Or there is also a more complex with 4 lanes with full parametric functions. But no matter what type of EQ contained in the console, because it remains the same goal to help find the best sound.

- EQ fix
The meaning of the above fix is ​​on the EQ does not have a button to select the frequency that will be set. Because the frequency will be "tricked" has been set from the factory. EQ frequency division on this type similar to that found in the crossover division, only consists of: • Low, and hi-in EQ 2way • Low, Mid and Hi-in EQ 3way • Low, Low Mid, Hi and Hi-at mid EQ 4 way. Rotating the boost / cut will take effect until 12 or 15 db depending on the mixing console what we use. Advantages EQ fix is: a relatively economical price, avoid mistakes pmilihan frequency will be set. Such errors can be caused by lack of inexperience sound engineer (soundman), and the latter advantage is saving time in setting it. But there are also drawbacks such as: we can not choose a specific frequency that we want. Because all the frequencies have been assigned from the factory.

- Sweepable EQ
Commonly called Quasi Semi Parametric or Parametric (not full parametric-because without regulator bandwidth). At full parametric EQ that we can make arrangements for each parameter. Does the frequency parameters, bandwidth, or parameter level. This type of EQ has the ability to set-up is very flexible, and usually provide control of the mid-range with system EQ-3 or 4 lanes. How it works: Perform playback on the button to select freq freq to be regulated. Then turn the boost / cut for the addition or reduction in the frequency of which we selected earlier. For example, to set the frequency of the low mid on drums. Let the other frequencies remain on a flat sound, then turn the boost / cut it down to the left, or at a position approximately at 7. Then turn the audible frequencies to sound boomy sound was gone. After the tuned frequency to meet, do the settings again on the button boost / cut. Because the cuts are too ekstrm in the low mid frequencies can result in sound that sounded "empty". We can also make arrangements for vocals on 3,5KHz frequencies without affecting the overall frequency Hi Mid others. Mixing console with a single mid settings can usually be purchased at a price that is more economical, while mixing console another version that comes with setting Low Mid and Hi Mid somewhat more expensive. There is also a model of Eq settings with the Mid knob is the same with the previous type. It's just the frequency selector knob and buttons cut / boost are in one place. To the frequency set by key outside, being to boost or cut is done by button inside. This type is also frequently found on the mixing console with Yamaha's full parametric Eq IM8-24.pngsystem 4 way. These designs done by the manufacturer for reasons of saving space. Design of a mixing console is also an important and decisive.

- 48v Phantom Power
Definition Sound System Live
There are several types of microphones, one of which is a condeser mic, mic this type of extra hands to make it work. For this reason 48v phantom function button which when activated will send 48v DC to the microphone as energy supplies, or also to DI Box active. Consider carefully, because there is some mixing console phantom switches individually, but there is only one button to activate the phantom for all channels, then check first, if all the cables that are connected to the console is a balance input, this will not be cause problems. But if one or some of them are not balance, then this will cause problems.

As has been explained previously, this button serves to reduce the input gain of 20 to 30dB. This button is not a play button that can be set reduction, but the button press. When the button is pressed PAD input gain will be reduced between 20 to 30dB depending on the mixer (see the manual booknya). And if you are not careful, this will cause the mic so it does not sound because of the reduction. So the PAD button is needed only for the signal overload. And even then if after deducting the gain knob turned out to be still too strong.

- Reverse
Is to reverse the phase. At each input is always consists of at least more than one connection. For example microphone with XLR connectors for sure, there are three pins (pin1-ground, PIN2-hot / positive, pin3 cold / negative). When one pin upside down (PIN2 and pin3), then the resulting sound will be different. It is felt when it happened on the kick drum channel. That if the pin is in the correct position, then at the time of kick dihentak, speaker cone will move forward and blowing air toward you instead of backwards. If the pins are being inverted, cone will move to the back and suck the air out of your way. That's useful for reverse button, which when activated will reverse the phase of the channel (positive to negative). It is also useful for the case of two mics with a position very close together so happens canceling phase, which will result in audible sound hollow (the loss of the low voice). This often happens when you are not careful against all the pluses and minuses cable. And do not be quick to panic if your current setting somewhere, you hear a low tone that looks sluggish, can occur because of the reversibility phase. A simple example: connect the output of a CD player to a mixing console. And listen to his voice carefully. Then press the reverse button on one channel. Dngarkan again his voice. Definitely one of the better.

- Mic / Line
This press the switch to change the gain control circuit. Depending on what is the input is mic, effects returns or tape deck / CD. In many mixing console are separate input terminals between mic and line inputs on the same channel. Mic input connector type balance typically use 3 pin XLR or sometimes commonly called jack Canon. While using the line input jack which is commonly used as a guitar jack. This makes it possible to plug in two different inputs in one channel, and this switch to activate one of the inputs that we want between them. For example, you can plug in effect a return to the gain set low on the mic input and then plug in again the tape deck on the same line input channels. By the time the band was show and tape deck is not required, you just download the key switch on the mic position. Then by the time the band had finished and took playback music from the tape deck / CD, you also live to the switch in line position. This could be done to save the channel, especially if the console is used is not too large.

- High Pass Filter
Will cut off the low frequencies of the input is from 80 Hz down. It can be activated (IN) when the sound source does not produce sound with such a low frequency range. For example, Hi-Hat, vocals, guitar (especially acoustic). But no need to be activated (OUT) of the drum channels (kick and some tom) and bass guitar. Because when enabled will result in the loss of low frequency channel.

- EQ In / Out
A simple switch to activate and deactivate the EQ section on the channel. Also useful to compare the sound that has been on-EQ simply by pressing the button back and forth.

- Group Assigns
Assigns Subgroup also called, is only found on the mixing console that has the group. Suppose on the mixing console written 16/2 means 16 channel 2 output (L / R). It shows that the mixing console does not have group. But when written 16/4/2, this means mixing console has 16 channels, 4 groups and 2 master L / R. Group assigns is decide where the channel signal will be sent. Do to the group or to the master L / R. For example, in a mixing console that has 4 groups, we can send all the drum channels to group 1, guitars and bass to group 2, keyboards and vocals to the group 3 to group 4. Meanwhile, when available 8 group, we can do the same thing but all in stereo. Which is then sent to the master entirely L / R. Maybe there will be a question, it seems this is not so significant, because eventually completely sent also to the master L / R. Is not it better set directly from the master? But in reality it is not so. For example, during the soundcheck we have membalans and balancing all channels and then we combine it with the bass guitar in the group 1-2. By the time the show is in progress, we just need to keep an eye on the group 1-2 only to control the overall level of channel drum and bass. So also with the backing vocals or instruments that we combine in the same group. Most of the group assigns also equipped with individual control pan. Using the group will greatly help us operate the system in a live performance. Signal of the channel can be sent to the group where we want or also sent to the master. For example, we send channel lead singer to master L / R being the channel of backing vocals to the group which is then insert gate just for the group. And there are many other possibilities.

-  PFL and SOLO
Button PFL (Pre Fade Listening) will help to hear (through headphones) channel PFL switch / solo enabled. Also for mengecheck gain signal on the channel. For example, during the soundcheck, before the opening of the channel fader, press the PFL button, then the LED indicator will be seen how big the channel input gain entry (if overloaded or too small) before the sound is sent to the entire system. In some types of mixing console SOLO buttons are only useful during the soundcheck and serve to send just channel solo button is pressed to the master L / R. Remember! Make sure the switch is in position out before the band started playing. Or it would be very embarrassing.

- Auxiliary sends
Definition Sound System Live
Yamaha PM5000.pngDari play button can send a signal from the exit channel mixing console (via terminal aux outs on the output terminals on the rear panel of the mixer), then of these buttons can also control the level of the signal sent earlier. This signal is sent entirely separate from the master output. It is useful to send a signal to a monitor system, or also to a wide range of effects units, and the effect of the output is sent again to a different channel on the mixing console. Pling mixer that simple though at least
having one or two AUX SEND. One to send a signal to the monitor and one for mengrim effects (echo, reverb). Being on a larger mixing console has 4-6 or 8 aux sends are then subdivided on Pre or Post Fade Fade.

- Pre Fade
In general, there is a large mixer auxiliary divided into pre or post fade and fade. Signal sent from Pre fade not experience the influence of the channel or have not undergone a process of channel. That is why the Pre EQ Pre fade good and ideal to use to send the signal to the monitor section.

- Post Fade
Is the opposite of pre fade. That all signals are sent through the post fade is already in the process of channel or join the effect of channel faders, EQ and levlnya either. Post fade often used to send signals to the effect, or send a signal to the mixer for the purposes of separate broadcast (TV or Radio Station), etc. There is no attachment in the use of selection Send Auxiliary. Pre fade could use to send signals to the effect because it will get the original level of the input. It's just still have to control the level of effect at the same time.

- Auxiliary Master
Each of the auxiliary channel has a button as a regulator of the level of the whole. For example aux 1 each channel has a master aux 1 to set the entire level of aux 1 each channel. Likewise, other auxiliary. Which means when the mixer has particularly 4 auxiliary out, there will be four auxiliary master. Consider some kind of button as Aux Master, Master Effect, Monitor Master, or something less is the same function. To turn the initial setting it is at 2 o'clock position, then do setting it on the channel. If it is still less strong, add more, or
if too loud, reduce. It all depends on the situation.

- Auxiliary Return
Signal that has been sent out to the unit via the auxiliary effect whether Delay, Reverb or more will be sent back to the mixing console to be combined and balanced appropriately with the level of the original signal source said. Even though quite a lot of mixing console also has a special return effect settings. Which is usually not in the form of a slider (slide pot). If indeed there are channels that can be used as an input effect, we can do pegaturan bunch of sliders that make it easier to tune channels as standard. However, setting the aux returns are also the same as we did in the channel, only by turning to the right and left to increase and reduce the level of effect. Notice! When you open a little Aux Send of the channel that has been used as an effects return, will result in feedback and noise. Overcome immediately by lowering the level of the channel, and then check the Aux Send the channel.

Back View :
Is becoming one of the very, very important to dipehatikan. Because this is where all the cables (both input and output) is connected. Including from snake cable, tape deck / CD, or also to send or received any effect (send / return), up to the main output (to send to the main system) .Berbeda types and brands will be different mixing console rear panel position (which if you carefully certainly will not be too confusing). For each channel there is a mic input terminal which usually consist of XLR connectors. However, there is some other as follows:
Line Input
Put aside the mic input, but separate (usually with a guitar jack balance / TRS).
Definition Sound System Live
Yamaha DM2000 - rear.png Used to process the signal through effects such as Gate, Compressor or EQ only to channel the site inserted course, works when we want to use any effect or to process only a single channel we want. Because the insert is the path to drain and receive signals that have been processed by the effect or any device. If there are two means one for input (IN) and one for output (OUT) are always marked for writing Insert Insert In and Out, if there is only one, it must consist of a balance jack TRS (Tip Ring Slave). Tip is as IN, OUT Ring is a, and the slave is as GROUND. There is also a direct line out or out of its own, which is often used for applications per-track recording, it can be Pre or Post Fade Fade, depending consolenya. In the master section, there are several more terminals such as: Auxiliary Out commonly written snd Aux 1, Aux send 2, and so on. Or also the name of the Effect Out, Monitor Out, depending on what is written on the controller panel buttons. Each group has a respective output and are always equipped with the insert group. Insert Group could be used if we only want to process the signal in the goup. For example, all the vocal channel dikiim to group 1, then we insert compressor download only one that contains the vocal group. Many console which there is power supply. But many are using a separate power supply, using a multi-pin is connected to the console. Note the voltage required to turn it on before plugging into the mains. Master output terminal for the right and left consists of XLR or jack. But it is also not uncommon to consist of both. There is also a separate mono output is the incorporation of output (left / right) are also equipped with its own control. Maybe there will be a lot of terminals on the rear panel.

- Effect Processor
Definition Sound System Live
Alesis MicroVerb 4.pngPeranti to give effect to a particular sound on one channel or whole. This tool has many choices effect. Including reverb, chorus / flange, double-reverb, distort, delay, etc.

- Equalizer
Definition Sound System Live
Behringer DEQ1024.pngEqualizer in the sound system in two forms: Equalizer graphic and parametric equalizer. Both are used with filters End-cut. Parametric equalizer player has at least three parameters namely: frequency, zoom-zoom out (boost / cut) and Q (bandwidth). The equalizer was found to be commonplace in every channel in the mixing console, but some are made separately. Graphic equalizer has a slider-slider that refers to a curve of terplot on a frequency response. At the sound system is usually designed in the middle of 1/3 octave. Filters sound End-cut will limit the width of the path past the limit, which will prevent disruptions subsonic and RF influence or disturbances of lighting regulator that can interfere with the sound system. Parts of the filters End-cut often including graphic equalizer to give full settings. A feedback suppressor (Feedback suppresor) is a type of filter that will automatically detect and suppress the feedback sound by cutting the frequency of the sound which causes it.

- Crossover / Xover
Definition Sound System Live

Behringer CX3400.jpgAlat which serves to divide the frequency that led to the speakers. Because each transducer speaker has a different frequency response. Crossover function is to divide the frequency for each transducer so that they can work in accordance with the optimal frequency response. So as to produce a sound that is much better and makes more durable transducer.

- Loudspeaker Management System (LMS)
Definition Sound System Live
Tools for managing the loudspeaker. In it there is a setting delay time, also has the function of a crossover.

- Power Amplifier (PA)
Definition Sound System Live
Behringer EP2500.pngAlat which serves to brace the end of all the signals that have been combined by the audio mixer. The amount of reinforcement measured in watts (rms). Depending on needs, the ability of the amplifier from hundreds of watts to use small for parties or gatherings and hundreds of thousands of watts for a great show as the event live musical performances of famous bands.

- Speakers
Definition Sound System Live
Behringer F1220A Floor Monitor.pngAlat which serves to convert electrical signals into sound from the PA system processed. Speaker consists of several kinds depending on the type of transducernya. The woofer has a frequency response that is very low, about 20-80 Hz. Its function is to produce a bass sound. Mid / Full range has a wider frequency response but tend to be mid. Its function is to produce intermediate frequencies such as snare drums and vocals. Tweeter has a high frequency response up to 20Khz. Function to generate a high frequency sound as sound Hi-Hat and cymbal. Because it has a frequency response that is different, it must be governed by a crossover or LMS so that each transducer can work optimally in accordance with frequencies in the handle. And can make the transducer be durable.


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